Our Journey

Our humble beginnings started off with a class project...

Five undergraduate engineering students teamed together in 2019 to work on a class project for a lower division course in Prof. Christine King's computer-aided design course. Little did we know that our ideas and skills would pave the path for a new journey as their project laid the foundation for Feminora, as at the exact same time, Dr. Dinh Vu was searching for a solution to an important unmet need in his field. Our founders, Prof. Christine King and Dr. Dinh Vu, discovered an unmet need in women’s health medicine and believe there has to be a novel solution to the dreaded vaginal speculum all women need to experience during their pelvic examinations.

Through innovative designs, extensive research, and market analysis, the Feminora team developed our very first design for how the modern speculum should look, work, and feel. However, we were not satisfied and we began to understand that our modernization of the vaginal speculum has potential in revolutionizing women’s health. We strive to have our products on every examination table in clinics and hospitals worldwide in order to provide women and physicians comfort and convenience.

Current Events

Heal LA Incubator

Big news! Feminora has been selected to join the LARTA Institute’s Heal.LA Program. We're thrilled to be among 35 diverse startups who are innovating to build a better future for local urban communities.